- Effective implementation of HIV/AIDS prevention programming for FSW
Key Strategy:
- Rregular outreach of female sex workers
- Provide information and treatment for STI
- Condom programming
- DIC level activities
- Referral services to ICTC, ART, TB
- Identification and reaching with services the new sex workers, younger and sex workers, sex workers having lovers, positive sex workers
- Advocacy related activities to create an enabling environment for effective implementation of HIV prevention programs with the key population
- Macro level planning once in a 3 month.
Community dialogue/BCC:
- Increase the condom usage FSW’s with their regular partners.
- FSW ‘s regular clinic visits and ICTC testing.
STI Services:
- Identification of Local referral doctors – PHC MOs, MBBS, who will be trained and mentored to provide clinical services.
- Special services for the priority key population.
- Providing linkages to STI and health services (including ICTC, RNTCP)
- Providing syphilis testing facility and encouraging the HRG population for undergoing syphilis testing.
Referral Clinics (PPP)
- ICTC referral and testing will also be provided for 80% of the HRG population
- Referral, linkage and pre-ART registration of those who found positive
- Referral of positive women to CCCs, social entitlements etc. depending on the need
Outreach Clinic:
- Outreach clinic conducting in initials aria,
- Peer educators mobilise in ANM centre or Anganawadi centre.
Referral Clinic (Govt)
- Referral clinic conducting by only MBBS doctors.
- We will referring to near PHC, CHC and taluka Hospital
- FSW refer to STD clinic Taluka hospital and district hospital
Condom Programming
Free condom
- We will distribute free condom for sex workers their need based.
- Distributing session.
- Condom direct distribution adapted this program.
- Review of condom demand once in 3 months.
Condom Social Marketing
- Social marketing in Bijapur with support of HLL.
Female Condoms
- Female Condoms Social marketing in Bijapur with the support of KSAPS
HIV counselling, testing, linkage for care and support services which include:
- ICTC referral and testing will also be provided for the FSW population
- Referral, linkage and pre-ART registration of those who found positive
- Referral of positive women to CCCs, social entitlements etc. depending on the need]’
Activities to address young and new sex workers:
- We will address to new and young sex workers.
- Conducting the group meeting and hotspot meeting that time we will discuss new sex workers.
- Getting their site information and their hotspot.
- In that place our peer educator outreaches them.
- We will conduct the every quarter new sex workers meeting.
Strategies to address HIV positive FSWs/ (positive prevention)
- Individual.
- Family and home.
- FSW PLHIV care person.
- Promoting to FSW Partner ICTC testing.
- Every FSW PLHIV’s linkage to ART centre.
- Every FSW PLHIV’s refer to TB testing every six month once.
- PLHIV linkage to positive Network .and CCC services.
- Every month we have conducting Positive meeting HRG meeting for hygiene nutrition food.
- Advocacy meeting with district surgeon and DAPCO for FSW PLHIV operation purpose.
Strategies to improve the condom usage with regular partners
- Group meeting conducting with regular partners.
- Conducting the Couple session.
- Conducting the condom negotiation skill develop meeting.
Community mobilization
- Hot spot meetings
- Activities aimed to create enabling environment for the sex workers to utilize the services of the project.
- SHG meeting.
- Taluka and district committee meeting.